Friday, January 20, 2012

What this weather brings us

I strongly believe children's bodies react strongly to weather changes, global changes,etc. Lately this Texas weather has been so unpredictable! With that brings many emotional changes amongst the children. This week we have seen much group work, much need for big movements and physical activity.

The cooperation and collaboration of the classroom especially watching the olders joining in with the youngers has been very inspiring...

Today during outside time 3 children found two worms, one an earthworm and one a grub. Two children were eager to pick them up not hesitating one bit. One older boy so wanted to hold the worms but jumped each time to worm moved in his hand. Sweetly, the other two showed him how to hold the worm with special care so both he and the worm were comfortable.

The children examined the worms a few minutes more and then set them free in our garden and ran off to play.